Grad School Journey: Complete!

Five years ago, I loaded up my Honda with all of my stuff (including my snake friend, Mojave) and drove from San Diego, CA to Stow, OH to start my PhD adventure. Somehow I'm at the end of this journey (already?!), and I thought I would take a moment to reflect on some of the things I've done during graduate school. ( google scholar link ) ( cogbites blog link ) I would not be at the end of this journey without the support of my community. I am fortunate to have too many people to thank individually here, but I appreciate everyone who has mentored, encouraged, or supported me in small or large ways. To my mentors, who have consistently challenging me to grow as a thinker and provided me the tools and support to become the researcher and educator that I am today - I will do my best to support my future students and colleagues by following your generous examples. To my peers, who have been the best critics and cheerleaders - may we continue to lift each other up. To my friends (so...