Spring semester in review

I've dec ided to start a blog to keep you all updated! Email works too, but this seemed the easiest way to keep everyone 'in the know'. Hopefully it's easy enough for you to navigate. You can enter your email in the box on the top right of this page and it will automatically let you know when I post a new entry. You can click on all the pictures in this entry and they'll expand. PLEASE leave comments (at the bottom of the entries) so I'll be encouraged to post more often - I really appreciate your feedback! This spring was my last semester at SD Mesa, the community college I have been attending for the pa st couple years. I am so glad that I decided to attend community college before transferring to a University. Mesa has been a blessing- I've had wonderful teachers (who know my name!) and I've gotten a chance to figure out what I want to study. In the fall I will be transferring to UC Sa nta Cruz , which is a beaaauuutiful little town near San Franci...