Winter and Spring Quarter

Relaxing under a huge tree in Santa Cruz. These past 7 months have been crazy, but that shouldn't be any surprise if you know me well. I just got back from a month vacation in Florida with a couple friends. You're going to have to wait to hear about that one though, since I'm still weeding through all the pictures - it was a great trip! Santa Cruz has been treating me well. I love living so close to a multitude of hiking areas, most near rivers or streams. The trees keep me sane throughout long bouts of studying. There's nothing like walking to class under a green canvas that's so alive. Winter quarter was pretty tough for me - I was in and out of the health center trying to figure out why I was so tired all of the time. I'm still not feeling 100%, but I'm slowly getting better. Somehow I still managed to do well in all of my classes and hike every now and then, thanks to the support of friends and family. My Mom came up and visited me to chee...