2018 in review

(Apparently I had written this post in January 2019 but forgot to hit "publish"!) Some things I did in 2018: Met up with colleagues and friends all over the country Beignets in NOLA McMaster University in Hamilton, ON Santa Cruz Helped organize a research symposium at Kent State and joined an APA committee Taught my first class (Research Writing for undergraduate Psychology majors) Successfully wrote up and defended my Master's Thesis , which went well and really helped me think deeply about my research projects. I am halfway through my program already! My next milestones are big ones - qualifying exam and applying for candidacy. Traveled a lot! Both for work and play. I attended conferences in Washington D.C., Ann Arbor, Ontario, New Orleans, and Amsterdam. I also visited family and friends in Santa Cruz and Cape Coral, FL. In August I spent a week with my Mom on her property in Washington State, which was very relaxing. Mt. Ranier N...