Summer so far!

First of all thank you to everyone who made it to our little celebration on Saturday! It was great to see all of you as we celebrated my birthday/"graduation" from community college, my Mom and Tony's 5th anniversary, and being alive! Thanks for the very generous gifts as well... totally not necessary but appreciated. It took me a while, but it seems I've finally gotten over the school "withdrawal symptoms" (I sincerely miss being held accountable for assignments, learning, and having a regular routine) and I've been able to relax and enjoy summer. I've spent a lot of time catching up with old friends from high school and childhood and new friends I've made in college. I've also been able to revert back to my night-owl habits... staying up late and sleeping in - love it. Since I only have a couple months left to enjoy San Diego, I've been taking advantage of beautiful San Diego beaches - discussing politics at a cafe overlooking La Jol...