Summer so far!

It took me a while, but it seems I've finally gotten over the school "withdrawal symptoms" (I sincerely miss being held accountable for assignments, learning, and having a regular routine) and I've been able to relax and enjoy summer. I've spent a lot of time catching up with old friends from high school and childhood and new friends I've made in college. I've also been able to revert back to my night-owl habits... staying up late and sleeping in - love it.

Earlier this week my friends and I went to the San Diego Fair, which was marginal. The mostly amateur art made us crave some professional paintings,

I've also been studying Spanish grammar and reviewing my vocabulary. One of my favorite ways to spend a few hours is to enjoy a cup of Starbucks coffee while studying and listening to music. This Friday (July 1st, my birthday) I leave for Costa Rica already! I will be staying with a retired couple in Heredia for three weeks, then in Monteverde with another family for a week. Last week my Mom and I went thrift store shopping and picked up some cool clothing, so I'm ready. I'll be with a group of about 40 students of all ages, all with varying degrees of Spanish fluency. Once in the country, my home-stay will be within walking distance of the school, and my class won't have more than 5 other students.
The day I return from Central America I choose classes for the fall quarter. Because of budget cuts, there are fewer classes than ever and all the psychology classes I need are already full. Hopefully some emailing will take care of that, because I need those classes in order to declare my major. Budget cuts are stressful for everyone; I'm just thankful that I'm still in school, not trying to find a job (yet.) The good news is I have been guaranteed a spot in University housing. I will be living in a 'community' (euphemism for dorm) on campus with fellow transfer students.