Mariposas: A metaphor for human transformation

Soo... next time you go to a zoo and see some butterflies like these, keep in mind they were probably imported!
Anyway, everything else has been going well for the most part. The food is
still super delicious (a sundae I had at a local cafe on the right!) but it does give me quite a stomach ache. Class is really fun. Yesterday we played "Taboo" in Spanish and talked about whatever. Our teacher is very lenient and mostly lets us talk about whatever we want, as long as it's in Spanish. I've enjoyed it a lot because it's more applicable to everyday conversations and I'm building my vocabulary naturally and in-context, instead of through rote memorization. Here we are just chillin' after a coffee break: (my profesora is on the left)
This weekend I'm going down south with my hermanaTica. The school is offering some fun tours, but they are "demasiado caro" (way too expensive) and "no vale la pena" (not worth the price) according to some of the Ticos. Also, I'd much rather be around locals than other tourists.
Some more random facts:
-Epidurals are almost unheard of here; most births are natural
-Laura Chinchilla is the current president of the country and the first female president of Costa Rica
-There is a flat 9.17% taken out that goes towards Social Security, education, and socialized medicine
-Sales tax varies based on the country's needs, but it is much lower than in the US. There is no tax on "basic necessities" such as water, shoes for walking, certain foods, etc.
-Election day here is a big celebration, although not everyone votes
-Three major political parties: Partido Liberacion Nacional (created in 1948 and encourages a more "free" market), Partido Unidad Social Cristiana (created in the 1970's), Partido Accion Ciudadana (2002). There are other smaller parties just like in the US, such as the Mouimeiento Libertario (Libertarian)
Right now I have a cooking lesson at the school, then more class. Thanks for reading!
-Epidurals are almost unheard of here; most births are natural
-Laura Chinchilla is the current president of the country and the first female president of Costa Rica
-There is a flat 9.17% taken out that goes towards Social Security, education, and socialized medicine
-Sales tax varies based on the country's needs, but it is much lower than in the US. There is no tax on "basic necessities" such as water, shoes for walking, certain foods, etc.
-Election day here is a big celebration, although not everyone votes
-Three major political parties: Partido Liberacion Nacional (created in 1948 and encourages a more "free" market), Partido Unidad Social Cristiana (created in the 1970's), Partido Accion Ciudadana (2002). There are other smaller parties just like in the US, such as the Mouimeiento Libertario (Libertarian)
Right now I have a cooking lesson at the school, then more class. Thanks for reading!