Hike crazy
Allow me to update my blog to procrastinate the papers I should be working on! In my defense, I had a big assignment due yesterday, so I need a break. This quarter is going by ridiculously fast. A part of me feels like I just got here, but at the same time, I feel like Santa Cruz is my home now. I just chose classes for Winter quarter - they are really impacted! Literally ALL of the upper division psychology classes are full, but I'm going to talk to a counselor to work that out later today. I officially declared the Intensive Psych major (research oriented) and the education minor, so I should be able to get the classes I need.
Last week I had some time to explore campus and the surrounding area some more. I went to Natural Bridges State Park with a friend, which is a beautiful beach nearby.
Last week I had some time to explore campus and the surrounding area some more. I went to Natural Bridges State Park with a friend, which is a beautiful beach nearby.
Here's why it's called "Natural Bridges":
We also explored the tidepools and saw tons of colorful sea stars, sea urchins, anemones, crabs, and plants. The day was very relaxing. On the way back to the school, we stopped by the butterfly garden, which is full of monarchs this time of year. There were thousands of butterflies on the trees.

Last Saturday I went for a 5-hour Naturalist hike I signed up for a while back that took us all around the campus. The guy who was leading it graduated a few years ago with a degree in Ecology. He had a passion for mushroom hunting, so we saw lots of those.

Those of you who have been sending me mail, THANK YOU! The packages, emails, and letters have made me feel very loved. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and I'll be seeing some of you very soon!