Busy Break

School ended successfully- Finals went well, and my GPA is 4.0! I was also initiated into a National Psychology Honors society called Psi Chi. When it was all over, I was not ready to come home, I really love it in Santa Cruz. Now that I'm here, though, I don't want to go back! I'm thankful to be happy in both places.

Since I've been home, I've been busy. Break has flown by, as I knew it would. I started December with a trip to Long Beach with my friend Jennifer. We stayed at her in-law's beach house, which was absolutely gorgeous. We also checked out the Long Beach Aquarium, which was much bigger than I expected. We spent a good chunk of the day there seeing all the sea life. We even got a behind-the-scenes look at the back, where they keep cute little artic foxes (look at its nose!) The next day we walked/drove around the city, stopping at cute little shops and a fancy Spanish restaurant called Sevilla, where I tried rabbit for the first time... not bad. It ended up being a really fun trip, except one of the days a crazy wind storm blew threw the area and knocked down a couple trees.

For our friend Carol's birthday/Christmas present, we took her to Disneyland for 3 days. She hasn't been out of San Diego for over 3 years, and this is what she requested. My Mom organized the trip from start to finish. We were picked up at our doorstep, stayed at the Grand Californian Hotel, and each had 3-day hopper passes for the two parks. We ate really well on this trip - New Orlean's cuisine, Mediterranean, etc. One night we went to Medieval Times, which was like stepping back in time. We feasted and watched sword fighting and a jousting tournament. It was definitely an experience! Carol's friends Sally and Darcy visited one morning, and our friend Julie came to Califonia Adventures with us. Although it was a lot of work pushing Carol around and helping her transfer from wheelchair to ride, it was really great to see her happy and engaged. She smiled a lot, and by the end of the trip she was singing along with Christmas carolers!

My Mom, Tony, and I spent Christmas Eve with my Dad's family. On Christmas we did our usual "open house" dinner (lasagna, chicken, ham, Julian pies... lots of food) with our friends Sharon and Eric, Mike and Nancy, and my friend Bryan. The night ended at 2am after a 3 hour game of Monopoly.

My friend Jennifer, her husband Keith, and I went to the Wild Animal Park and the Zoo. We saw a Secretary Bird stomp a snake,a cheetah run at full speed, and tiger cubs! The weather was absolutely fantastic, like a summer day.

Yesterday I met up with my friend Seth and we went and checked out the Point Loma tide pools. It was high tide, so we missed the animals, but we saw gorgeous views of the area and enjoyed another San Diego "winter" day. It was great to catch up and we ate dinner at a local Tapas bar.

Other than (all) that, I've been trying to relax a little. I played a little piano and guitar, got into a couple TV shoes, and kept up with running as often as I can. I met up with more friends and I'll see the rest of them tonight at my New Year's eve party. I head back to school this coming Friday and school starts the following Monday. I'm taking Behavioral Neuroscience (which I already have homework for), Ecology and Evolution, and Introduction to Teaching. It will be a tough quarter, but I'm ready for the challenge. I'm a little nervous about the weather, though... we'll see how cold it gets.

Hope you all have a safe and happy new year!


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